Ideas, concepts, processes, curriculum, conversations, assessment as and for learning, ownership of learning, criteria, goal setting, technology, reflection, inquiry, curiosity, collaboration, portfolios, community, motivation, skills, strategies,responsibility and evidence. Yes learning is a rainbow of colored evidence that change and mix while exploring, thinking and reflecting. Yes, all colors get messy and it is fun to have this opportunity to explore with the students in order to achieve, reflect and share such evidence of how learning continues to evolve.
My students and I enjoy exploring many learning opportunities together, from the #hourofcode, curiosity camps, ownership of leaning through inquiry. We continue learning by making all learning experiences transparent and reflecting on the process by applying technology for capturing learning.
Transparency with the students is very important, as a teacher I need to share where we are heading and the purpose of the process with them. By sharing, the students have a voice as they become part of the decision making about the learning and take ownership by providing evidence of the process.
We always start with the curriculum and relate real world scenarios in our community and the world and how they connect to the curriculum. This way the students will have more passion and eagerness at pursuing their inquiries.
I need to improve documenting (my resolution 20 min a day writing my reflections) and speak to the evidence that I collect on a daily basis.
Hoping to continue sharing my learning opportunities online. Many thanks to Canadian Education Association for inviting me to share my experience with international leaders in education and connect to many learners with whom I continue sharing and learning from them.
Having to share my passion with all colleagues must improve via blogging. I need to be more social on "Social Media" as I did not pursue the edu- bloggers revealing about their personnel connections and themselves. A great intention to give the readers another look at the writers. There is nothing wrong with that, I have been tagged and did not respond, I feel bad!
My personal posts are about education and I hope to pursue my resolution the importance of sharing the learning. I enjoy so much reading all posts online as I learn and apply it with my students. I would like again to thank all colleagues who always seek and respect my learning from my students.